Welcome to muspy – the easiest way to follow your favourite artists!


muspy will notify you when artists you like release new albums.


Have you ever missed an album of one of your favourite artists only to discover it by accident weeks after the release? Do you spend a lot of time on official websites looking for release announcements? With muspy you will save time and won't miss any releases!


You need to create an account to use muspy. Come on, don't be lazy! It's free and only takes a minute! If you already have an account, click here to sign in.

After you sign in, you may add the artists you want to follow. You can add them one-by-one, copy the list of artists from your Facebook profile, or import the top bands from your Last.fm profile.

When one of the artists releases a new CD, you will receive a short email notification with the album name and the release date. You can also see the new releases on the website sorted in the chronological order, or subscribe to the rss feed and receive release alerts using the feed aggregator of your choice.

Latest Releases

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2024-09-12: Arigto – Selfloss (Soundtrack)

Amazon: CanadaDeutschlandFranceUnited KingdomUnited States

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2024-09-11: JW Francis – Sunshine (Album)

Amazon: CanadaDeutschlandFranceUnited KingdomUnited States

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2024-09-11: 桶狭間ありさ – 伝説の頭 翔 オリジナル・サウンドトラック (Soundtrack)

Amazon: CanadaDeutschlandFranceUnited KingdomUnited States

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2024-09-11: Iotunn – Twilight (Single)

Amazon: CanadaDeutschlandFranceUnited KingdomUnited States

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2024-09-10: Disembodied Tyrant – The Tower: Part One (EP)

Amazon: CanadaDeutschlandFranceUnited KingdomUnited States

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2024-09-10: Moby – precious mind (cassette remix) (Single)

Amazon: CanadaDeutschlandFranceUnited KingdomUnited States

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2024-09-10: Nightwish – An Ocean of Strange Islands (Single)

Amazon: CanadaDeutschlandFranceUnited KingdomUnited States

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2024-09-10: CAN – Keele 77 Eins (Single)

Amazon: CanadaDeutschlandFranceUnited KingdomUnited States

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2024-09-10: Reyna Tropical – Cartagena (Sylvan Esso Edit) (Single)

Amazon: CanadaDeutschlandFranceUnited KingdomUnited States

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2024-09-10: GODSPEED 音 – 未知の襲撃者 (Album)

Amazon: CanadaDeutschlandFranceUnited KingdomUnited States